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Peace & Life Connections #67 - July 8, 2011

Widespread Sex-Selection Abortion Came From Military Strategy
        Points from the book Unnatural Selection: During the 1970s, South Korea and Taiwan were both dependent on American military protection and financial aid, and the US government could pretty much tell them what to do. The Nixon and Ford administrations were terrified that countries with lots of poor Asian peasants would go communist, so they were determined to drastically reduce the birth rate.  However, families wanted sons, a minimum of 2 – the heir and the spare.  If every family tries for two sons, you'll see steady population growth.If you reduce girls, you drastically reduce future population growth:  one man can impregnate several women, but the number of women is an absolute constraint on the number of births.  But it would require widespread acceptance of abortion as a routine tool rather than a rare emergency.  So the US government pressured Korea and Taiwan to move toward a system where abortion was the typical means of birth control. 

A67 Sex Selection
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Grant Writer Needed

     Do you have skill in grant writing?  Consistent Life needs a person with grant writing skill to work on some specific, exciting projects connected with our upcoming 25th Anniversary Celebrations.
Please e-mail President Bill Samuel at
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On-Line Radio Shows
 Radio       We’ve occasionally featured web-based radio shows where consistent life and related ideas are discussed. Here we offer all of them in one list. If you know of others to share, please send the link to
  • A thoughtful dialog between a pro-life and a pro-choice Quaker
  • An Iowa University broadcast of a live reading from Prolife Feminism: Yesterday and Today
  • Jen Roth “pro-life progressivism” on the “Shared Sacrifice” program. The first half-hour has two hosts discussing other topics through which you might want to fast-forward.
  • Jen Roth on Point of Inquiry making a secular case.
  • The Liberal Bias Media Hour with Mike Garcher and Rachel MacNair discussing psychological consequences of killing.
  • The Liberal Bias Media Hour with Mike Garcher and Carol Crossed discuss Susan B. Anthony and her anti-violence stands. Scroll down the page to September 1, 2010 to find the button to play it on the web.
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Quotation of the Week
Frank Pavone, Director, Priests for Life
Note: He’s addressing the misunderstanding that the consistent life ethic requires people who address one issue to likewise address a multitude of others.
A67 Pavone        “This misunderstanding often causes people to criticize those whose individual or group ministry focuses on a specific issue exclusively . . . It is somewhat like accusing the Alcoholics Anonymous movement of not doing anything about the arms race . . . [and] it can tend to expect the impossible, and expect people and groups to use their already limited time and resources to address any number of issues, any one of which could easily require a lifetime of effort. . . . Yet there is a truth here which must be stressed: no person or group is free to be unconcerned about all the attacks on human dignity, nor are we free to ignore the interdependence of all the efforts on behalf of human life. There are numerous activities being carried out in defense of human dignity. There may not be room for all of them on our schedule, but we must make room for all of them in our heart.” 
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