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Peace & Life Connections #136
November 16, 2012

Consistent ethic of life supporters, are you ready for your close-up?
        This note comes from CL member group Sojourners: “To go along with an interview in an upcoming issue, Sojourners magazine is planning a web-extra photoessay focused on the wide variety of people who oppose all forms of killing. We’d love to include you! Just take a pic of yourself holding a sign that says, “I’m a [fill in the blank] and I support a consistent ethic of life,” and email it, along with your name and hometown, to by Wednesday, November 28! We’re hoping for a wide variety of fill-in-the-blanks—libertarians, progressives, conservatives, nuns, agnostics, Quakers, Tea Partiers, feminists, LGBT activists, you name it—so please forward this invitation widely. Thanks, the editors at Sojourners.”
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This Year’s Call to Action Conference
        Consistent Life board members Carol Crossed and Lisa Stiller represented us at the"Call to Action" conference of progressive Catholics in Louisville, KY this past weekend. Because these are Catholics who take the teachings on standing with the poor and practicing compassion very seriously, but are often not as well educated on how this fits in with abortion opposition, this is a high-priority conference for us to visit every year.  
        Carol and Lisa had a good reception at the CL table, and had the opportunity to host a caucus and discussion about Consistent Life’s mission. The conference gave them a wonderful chance to practice listening and dialog skills.
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Holiday Gifts: Sword into Plowshares Jewelry
        A group called From War to Peace recycles weapons of war into works of peace, beautiful jewelry. The jewelry comes from copper recycled from disarmed nuclear weapon cables, with multiple inspections for safety and freedom from radioactivity. It’s helping to launch peace in the 21st Century.
        You get a 5% discount, and Consistent Life gets 20% of the purchase price, if you use this coupon code at time of purchase:  consistentlife  
A136 jewelry
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Holiday Gifts for Activists
        We have various kinds of message shirts, mugs, bags, and baby creepers and bibs at our Café Press store.  This is a print-on-demand outfit, so they make the product at the time of ordering – be sure to allow extra time and order early.
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Holiday Gifts for Readers
book - COKConsistently Opposing Killing:
From Abortion to Assisted Suicide, the Death Penalty, and War

(in hardcover and paperback & e-book
 An anthology on the consistent life ethic from various perspectives.

book - ArnerConsistently Pro-Life:
The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity

(in paperback)

Excellent information on nonviolent rebels in the Roman Empire, showing how widespread the opposition was to all the different kinds of killing.

Achieving Peace in the Abortion WarGMP
(in paperback & e-book)
Applying peace psychology to the pro-life movement for a general audience – explaining why the pro-life movement is making great progress in terms that make sense from any anti-violence point of view.

See our index under “Books” for more suggestions.
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Quotation of the Week
Jack Hunter
Pro-life Means Anti-drone," The American Conservative, October 25, 2012
        “For pro-lifers, there must be a question: If life is sacred, how can we justify killing so many innocent children? Some might say, ‘Well, that’s just war. We make mistakes.’
        Yet, I don’t know a single pro-lifer who would agree with rectifying the mistake of an unplanned pregnancy by making yet another mistake in terminating that pregnancy. If we justify the killing of innocent children abroad because their lives are somehow worth less, how is this different from liberals who dehumanize the personhood of a fetus?”
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